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Development Activity

Clayton Community Church

The Project consists of installation of new landscaping, new parking facilities, and construction of an approximately 13,998 square foot church building for religious assembly purposes on 4.4 acres located at 1027 Pine Hollow Court.  On April 27, 2021, the Clayton Planning Commission adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approved the following entitlements for the Project: Use Permit (UP-05-16), Site Plan Review Permit (SPR-06-16), and Tree Removal Permit (TRP-38-16).

Status: Approved April 27, 2021

File Nos.: ENV-03-16, UP-05-16, SPR-06-16, TRP-38-16


Notice of Public Hearing on Request for Extension of Entitlements, November 22, 2022

Updated Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration, April 7, 2021



Drawings (Minor Revisions) 04-07-2021

Civil Drawings (Minor Revisions) 04-07-2021

Drawings 02-09-2021

Civil Drawings 02-09-2021

Irrigation Drawings 02-09-2021

WELO Application 02-09-2021

Landscape Certification of Completeness 02-09-2021

Planning Comment Responses 02-09-2021



Updated (Minor Revisions) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (April 2021)

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (February 2021)

Appendix A – Air Quality

Appendix B.1 – Biological Resources Assessment

Appendix B,2 – Arborist Report

Appendix C – Cultural Report

Appendix D.1 – Geotechnial Report

Appendix D.2 – Geotechnical Peer Review

Appendix D.3 – Geotechnical Response To Peer Review

Appendix E – Phase 1 ESA

Appendix F – Noise and Vibration Study

Appendix G – Traffic Study