Visitor Report Log

The numbers in this first section represent unique visitors to the live streaming page for the meeting date and time. So if a visitor came to the web page player and clicked play 10 times, they would only be counted as one unique visitor. Click on the number count and it will move you down the page to more detailed information.

City Council Planning Commission
April 7, 2020 25
March 3, 2020 165
February 18, 2020 20
February 4, 2020 114
January 21, 2020 NA
January 7, 2020 12
December 17, 2019 19
December 10, 2019 140
December 3, 2019 5
November 19, 2019 9
November 12, 2019 131
November 5, 2019 18
October 15, 2019 4
October 1, 2019 4
September 17, 2019 18
August 20, 2019 16
July 16, 2019 11
June 18, 2019 9
June 4, 2019 13
May 21, 2019 20
May 7, 2019 24
April 16, 2019 8
April 2, 2019 14
March 19, 2019 22
March 5, 2019 27
February 19, 2019 5
February 5, 2019 15
January 15, 2019 27
December 18, 2018 9
December 4, 2018 11
November 20, 2018 3

The information below comes from the streaming server logs. This information is broken down by hour and displays the number of viewers in that hour and the number of times the play button was clicked.

March 3, 2020

Time plays viewers
7:05:00 PM 24 20
7:25:00 PM 32 25
7:45:00 PM 34 30
8:05:00 PM 41 38
8:25:00 PM 49 37
8:45:00 PM 48 39
9:05:00 PM 40 37
9:25:00 PM 46 40
9:45:00 PM 43 39
10:05:00 PM 43 38
10:25:00 PM 42 38
10:45:00 PM 58 43
11:05:00 PM 46 40
11:25:00 PM 55 42
11:45:00 PM 19 17
620 523

February 18, 2020

Time Plays Viewers
19:00 16 10
20:00 16 10
21:00 6 6
38 26

February 4, 2020

Time Plays Viewers
19:00 12 9
20:00 38 24
21:00 36 30
22:00 30 30
116 93

December 17, 2019

Time Plays Viewers
18:00 9 4
19:00 8 8
20:00 12 5
29 17

December 10, 2019

Time Plays Viewers
18:00 29 6
19:00 161 38
20:00 102 27
21:00 86 26
22:00 67 25
23:00 65 24
0:00 28 13
538 159

December 3, 2019

Time Plays Viewers
18:00 3 2
19:00 6 5
9 7

November 19, 2019

Time Plays Viewers
19:00 18 9
20:00 2 1
20 10